Vancouver Police are warning the public that Frank William Skani will be residing in Vancouver and poses a significant risk to women in the community. The Correctional Service of Canada has assessed Skani as high risk for sexual recidivism.
Frank Skani, a convicted sex offender, is a federal offender who is serving a ten year Long Term Supervision Order for offences of sexual assault with a weapon, sexual assault, forcible confinement, break and enter, possession of property obtained by crime, and theft of credit card.
Skani is a 42-year-old man. He is 5’9” tall, 200 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. He has a Harley Davidson/Angel tattoo on his chest and additional tattoos on his right upper arm and forearms. He has also been reported to use the aliases Jason Christopher Atkinson, Jason Christopher Skani, Frank William Skanie, William Frank and Frankie William.
His supervision order includes the following conditions:
- to reside at a supervised Correctional Residential Facility,
- not to consume, purchase or possess alcohol,
- not to consume, purchase or possess drugs other than prescribed medication,
- report all relationships with females to the parole officer,
- not to purchase, acquire, possess or access pornography or sexually explicit material,
- not to own, use or possess a computer or device that would allow unsupervised access to the internet,
- not to be in the company of sex trade workers or in the area of sex trade workers,
- not to have inappropriate physical contact with any female, including but not limited to brushing up against females and/or unwanted touching,
- not to enter any private dwelling or places included but not limited to, hotels, motels, rooming houses, single room occupancy residences or private residence dwellings without prior consent of parole officer, and
- not to be in the presence of any female person under the age of 16.
Anyone witnessing Frank Skani in violation of any of these conditions is asked to call 9-1-1.