Report a Non-Emergency

Report Crime Online

Some types of crime can be reported online if you don’t have a suspect and there is no element of violence, such as:

  • lost or stolen property under $10,000
  • vandalism to property or vehicle where repairs expected be under $10,000
  • car break-in

Call 604-717-3321

If you are not reporting a life-threatening incident or a crime in progress, make your report to the non-emergency line, such as:

  • lost or stolen property with no suspect
  • a serious crime with a lengthy time delay, such as an assault the previous night
  • noisy party

More examples of when to use the non-emergency line.

Deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech impaired?

Text with 9-1-1 provides 9-1-1 call centres with the ability to converse with a deaf, deafened, hard-of-hearing or speech impaired (DHHSI) person during an emergency, using text messaging.

Other Resources

Your call may not be a police matter. If you are calling about one of the things below, please see how to report it.

Boat owners are responsible for using their boats safely, keeping them in good working order, and properly disposing of them when they are no longer seaworthy.

They are also responsible for any pollution-related costs, including clean-up and/or repairs. Learn more at Transport Canada.

If you want to give police a tip about crime, you can contact us through our non-emergency line at 604-717-3321. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers / Tips Line 1-800-222-8477 or

Our Property Office receives and stores all public property, including vehicles, evidence, safekeeping articles, or simply found items.

If you find property, you can drop it off at 2010 Glen Drive from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday and Friday, and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (closed statutory holidays).

Found property is returned to the lawful owner as soon as possible. If the owner cannot be determined or located, and all investigation is concluded, you can claim the article after 90 days. You can check on the status of the property by calling the Property Office at 604-717-2726 after 60 days. Some items, such as prohibited articles or identification, cannot be claimed.

If you want to know if someone has turned in your lost property, please call our Lost and Found at 604-717-2726.

Prisoner property for safekeeping is held for 15 business days before it is disposed of.

Auctions are held to dispose of unclaimed property, including bikes, jewelry, and general merchandise. Check the Able Auctions website for “police recovered auctions” to find upcoming dates.

If you find a bicycle, you can report it to 604-717-3321.

If you have experienced fraud or a fraud attempt but did not lose any money, call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 or report fraud online.

If you are the victim of fraud in the city of Vancouver over $10,000, please call 604-717-3321 to make a police report.

More  information on reporting fraud or lost/stolen identification

Contact the Canadian Coast Guard with reports regarding pollution or threats of pollution in the marine environment.

If you can see someone creating graffiti, call 9-1-1 – it is a crime in progress.

If you see graffiti on your property, call our non-emergency number at 604-717-3321 or report it online. Otherwise, you can report graffiti that is not on your property to the City.

To report a motor vehicle incident where they are no injuries or an imminent threat to public safety, and all vehicles are drivable, call ICBC at 1-800-910-4222 to make a claims report online.

Request parking enforcement for a vehicle parked in violation of City bylaw on a City street and lane from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. From 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., call 604-717-3321 for parking enforcement.

Request a repair to an existing traffic and/or pedestrian signal, as well as:

Abandoned or uninsured vehicle

Broken parking meter

Encampments and needles

Truck or bus violation

If there is an immediate risk, call 9-1-1.

If there is no immediate risk to someone’s safety, call the BC Crisis Line at 310-6789 (no area code needed).

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, but it is not an immediate risk, call 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE), or call your local crisis centre.

For questions about tenancy laws or to get help with landlord/tenant disputes, call the BC Residential Tenancy Branch at 1-800-665-8779, or apply for dispute resolution online.

If you have received a violation ticket and you have questions, please see the Province of BC website.

E-Comm 911

The Vancouver Police Department relies on E-Comm 9-1-1 as our contracted partner for 9-1-1 and non-emergency call-answer services and police dispatching.

When you need help from the Vancouver Police Department and dial either 9-1-1 or our non-emergency line 604-717-3321, it is a specially trained E-Comm call-taker who answers and confirms the details of your situation. This call-taker works closely with E-Comm’s dispatch team to relay information to responding officers so you can get the help you need.

Help us Solve Crime

Get involved – Make an anonymous tip

If you have information about a crime and you would prefer to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit the Crime Stoppers website.