Limitation of Information
Sections of this public version of the Vancouver Police Department Regulations and Procedure Manual have been removed to ensure confidentiality regarding specific operational deployment strategies and investigative techniques.
The manual is updated on January 1 each year, with any legislative changes, court decisions, and internal reviews.
Please contact our Information and Privacy Unit if you have questions about the current status of a particular section.
This electronic version of the Regulations and Procedures Manual is for private study or research purposes only, and belongs exclusively to the Vancouver Police Department. No person or entity is permitted to reproduce in whole or part these Regulations and Procedures for business or commercial purposes, or the purposes of distribution, trade, sale, rent, or posting on the Internet or on electronic bulletin boards.
Further details about copyright protection over these and other public agency owned works can be obtained by reference to the federal Copyright Act. Any other use of the Regulations and Procedures requires the permission of the Vancouver Police Department’s Planning & Research Section.
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This website and all of the information it contains is provided as a public service by the Vancouver Police Department and provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. All implied warranties, including, without limitation, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and non-infringement, are hereby expressly disclaimed.
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