The VPD is reminding the public not to drink and drive and to plan for a safe way home this summer.

Last week, the BC Association of Chiefs of Police, the B.C. Government and ICBC announced the launch of the Summer Counter Attack Impaired Driving Campaign.

In the Lower Mainland, an average of 10 people are killed in impaired-related crashes during the summer months every year.

The Vancouver Police Department will be out in full force, taking impaired drivers off the streets at Counter Attack road checks to make sure your family makes it safely home. Throughout July and August, police will be reminding drivers to plan a safe ride home, before they have their first drink.

If you choose to drink and drive, you could lose your license and your car, or worse, kill yourself or someone else.

Vancouver Police administered 298 roadside tests and removed 59 impaired drivers off the road during the first weekend of this year’s summer Counter Attack campaign:

  • 11 Immediate Roadside Suspensions (IRP) “fail” sanctions
  • three IRP refusal
  • 25 IRP “warn” sanctions
  • 11 24-hour prohibitions for impairment by alcohol
  • three 24-hour prohibition for impairment by drugs
  • six 12-hour prohibitions

Fortunately, these drivers were taken off the road before their decision to get behind the wheel may have resulted in tragic consequences.