The VPD continues to have a visible presence at this year’s 4/20 event to provide a safe environment for participants, as well as the citizens who live and work in the area and first responders. There have not been any serious incidents reported at Sunset Beach or the Vancouver Art Gallery as of 2:00 p.m.

Police anticipate the crowds will continue to grow throughout the afternoon and then dissipate into the early evening. Officers will remain on-site to ensure public safety, while attempting to minimize any negative impacts on the local communities, and to assist other first responders in getting to anyone in the crowd who may require assistance.

“We are reminding motorists to avoid the area around Sunset Beach, and advising those consuming marijuana not to choose to drive,” says Constable Jason Doucette. “Additional traffic enforcement officers will be working to keep our roadways safe during and after the events.”

We encourage anyone who has information about an impaired driver on the road to call 9-1-1.