Between January and June 2024, the VPD conducted our Body Worn Camera Pilot Project. Select officers in the Downtown Core, East Vancouver, and in our Traffic Services Section, took part in the six-month trial. This trial provided valuable feedback as we work toward a broader body-cam rollout for all frontline Vancouver Police officers.

Throughout the pilot, we sought feedback and input from community groups, as well as anyone involved in an interaction where cameras are used.

Thanks to internal and external feedback, we are now working on a report to outline what would be required for a full operational rollout.

We believe the cameras will strengthen public safety, enhance transparency, trust, and accountability in interactions between the police and the public. There are, understandably, many concerns surrounding the use of body-worn cameras. If you don’t see your questions answered in our FAQ section below or in the guidelines, please email us at


If you don’t see what you’re looking for in our frequently asked questions below, please email your question(s) to

VPD Body-Worn Camera Pilot Guidelines

Sworn and civilian members from across the VPD formed a working group to plan the roll-out of the body-worn cameras and create guidelines for our officers.

These guidelines were reviewed by the BC Information and Privacy Commissioner and are consistent with:

Frequently Asked Questions

Body-worn cameras are relatively small devices that record interactions between the public and police officers. The video and audio recordings can be used to enhance accountability, transparency, and public confidence.

VPD officers will record interactions with the public in these instances:

  • speaking to someone in a police investigation
  • if the officer has a reasonable belief that use of force may be used
  • anticipating violent or aggressive behaviour
  • assisting in de-escalating a situation
  • someone verbalizes their intent to file a complaint
  • anticipating an arrest or detaining a person
  • providing someone with their Charter rights
  • interviewing a witness or suspect
  • if an officer believes perishable evidence needs to be collected

VPD officers must identify potential privacy risks and ensure that measures are taken to mitigate those risks, such as in these situations:

  • inside a residence
  • where there is exposure to private health information or medical treatment being received
  • in a law office
  • in a place of worship
  • if people are nude or have exposed private body areas
  • when children or youth are present, are victims, or are the subject of an investigation
  • if victims or witnesses are reluctant to cooperate or ask officers not to record in a sensitive situation

If you are captured on a video or audio recording, and are not directly involved in the incident, your face will be blurred or sections of the video will be redacted, if the footage is going to be used in court proceedings.

Yes, unless there is a safety risk in doing so.

Yes, in certain circumstances, such as:

  • the officer becomes aware that the recording is in violation of the guidelines
  • the officer has a reasonable belief that the recording is likely to compromise police tactical procedures or public safety, or inhibit their ability to gather information

Viewing the records is restricted to investigation or training purposes, and in accordance with the B.C. Provincial Policing Standards and VPD guidelines and policies.

Only the officer who took the footage and other designated staff with approval can view the video. The name of an employee, and the date and time, is automatically tracked for every person viewing the video.

Recordings will only be released in accordance with Part 2 or Part 3 criteria in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). You can apply here.

A recording is automatically deleted after 13 months unless it is evidence of a crime or complaint. Once all court processes are complete, the recording will be deleted. They may also be kept for training purposes as long as that training remains relevant.

Axon body-cameras. Traffic Enforcement officers will have an additional POV camera accessory attached to their motorcycle helmet.

Officers from Patrol and our Traffic Enforcement Section volunteered and have received specialized training. Each officer will receive their own personal-issue camera.

There are two operating modes:

  1. Ready/Buffering mode: The camera has been powered on, but not activated. In this mode, the body-worn camera continuously records a 30-second loop of video (no audio) which is retained only if the camera is activated.
  2. Recording/Event mode: The camera has been activated and is in a state that is recording audio and visual evidence for retrieval and archival purposes.