The Granville Community Policing Centre (CPC) promotes public safety and education to improve the quality of life in our city. We listen to the concerns of people living and working in the community, provide advice, and take action. Our programs and initiatives are a partnership with police, CPC staff and volunteers, and residents and business owners in the area.

Become Involved: Volunteer!

Granville CPC volunteers are active participants in preventing crime and solving problems, and an extra set of eyes and ears for the police.

Give back to your community, while learning life-enhancing skills and developing a greater understanding of our society, both the positive and the negative.

If you are at least 19 years old, can read and write English, and can give a one-year commitment of two-and-a-half hours per week, we want you!

  1. E-mail your resume to our volunteer coordinator
  2. Book an appointment to come in and fill out an application form and have an interview, as well as provide reference checks, and consent to a criminal record check
  3. Attend an orientation with the VPD once accepted as a volunteer

The whole process takes about three to four weeks.

Volunteering is great for anyone considering law enforcement as a career. It gives a closer look and understanding of what police officers encounter in their work.


Staff, volunteers, and our Neighbourhood Police Officer record and respond to citizens’ crime and safety complaints and concerns.

We accept found property and provide information and referrals to community resources. We also receive valuable information about crime in the area, which has led to several arrests of known drug dealers.

We also work closely with City staff on civic-related complaints and concerns, like graffiti, garbage, abandoned vehicles, noise complaints, and damaged public property.

Community Outreach and Special Events

We go to numerous community and VPD events throughout the year at schools, community centres, and neighbourhood houses to give presentations, and to provide crime prevention and community policing information.

Foot and Bike Patrols

CPC volunteers patrol our neighbourhoods on foot or riding their bikes to increase presence in problem areas, and to record and report suspicious and criminal activity.

Volunteers do security checks of vehicles, looking for anti-theft equipment, and to see if they are stolen or abandoned. They also distribute crime prevention information, crime alerts, and information on CPC services.

Speed Watch

The Speed Watch program is run in conjunction with ICBC. Our volunteers set up radar equipment at “hot spots” throughout the community, where residents and concerned citizens have reported speeding vehicles. Vehicle speeds are displayed to motorists, and are recorded and forwarded to ICBC and the VPD to be analyzed.

Police officers often join us and pull over vehicles that continue to speed after being clocked on our radar.

Cell Watch

Cell Watch uses education and awareness to reduce distracted driving in communities throughout B.C. Working together with ICBC’s road safety team and police, volunteers set up “leave the phone alone” sandwich boards and do road-side surveys observing drivers and their behaviour. The information helps ICBC and police better understand the issue locally, and to develop initiatives to further reduce distracted driving.


We are located in downtown Vancouver at 1263 Granville Street, between Davie and Drake Streets, at the north end of the Granville Street Bridge on the west side (view map).

Open Tuesday to Saturday
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.