The VPD supports research for policy, planning, and strategic operations, and how it contributes to best practices in policing, and we are involved in numerous internal research projects. We also support the work of academics and graduate students from a variety of universities across North America by providing access to data and other information sources.
Submit a Proposal
Researchers from an accredited college or university wishing to access VPD data must provide a written proposal to the Office of the Chief Constable for approval (see our VPD policy for research requests).
The proposal should include the following information:
- title of the study
- copy of ethics approval from any appropriate Review Boards
- any consent forms that will be used (if applicable)
- goal of the study
- research methodology
- details of data requested
- researcher(s) contact information (title / position, phone, fax, email and address)
- supervisor(s) Contact information (if applicable)
- timeline of study / expected completion date
- type of final product
The application for research form can be submitted to:
ATTENTION: Research Proposal
Office of the Chief Constable
Vancouver Police Department
3585 Graveley Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V5K 5J5
Proposal Assessment
The VPD will assess the proposal for relevance and feasibility in terms of privacy issues. In complicated cases, formal approval for the research may take between six months to one year. This is due to the necessity of conducting privacy and legal risk assessments in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Researchers may require an enhanced reliability security clearance in order to access particular information from the VPD. This process, if required, often takes several months to complete.
If approved, the researcher is expected to provide two bound copies of the research paper to the VPD’s Planning, Research and Audit Section upon completion. Furthermore, if the report (in any form) is to be released publicly or to any recipient who may release it publicly, the researcher agrees to provide the VPD with a copy of the report 48 hours prior to such release, as well as the location and date of the release. This will allow us time to review the results and prepare comments if necessary. The VPD would not modify the research in any way.
All research projects that are approved will require the researcher(s) to sign a confidentiality agreement.
For more information, please contact the Director of the Planning, Research & Audit Section.