Safety on our roads continues to be a shared responsibility between all users — pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. We all have the same goal of safely arriving at our destinations.

Increase Safety for Yourself and Others


  • make eye contact with approaching drivers and / or cyclists
  • use designated crossing points
  • obey the traffic signals – only enter the intersection if the pedestrian signal is being displayed and it is safe for you to do so
  • don’t presume that drivers see you – wear reflective clothing at night if possible


  • make eye contact with pedestrians
  • yield to pedestrians that are on the roadway
  • watch for pedestrians at intersections, especially when making left and right turns
  • put down your phone and don’t drive distracted
  • expect the unexpected – a vehicle stopping in a lane beside you may be yielding to a pedestrian crossing the road
  • obey traffic signals


  • make eye contact with pedestrians
  • yield to pedestrians
  • follow all rules of the road – bicycles are vehicles, too
  • don’t ride on sidewalks – stay to the right hand side of the roadway or in designated lanes
  • have a bicycle bell on you bicycle to warn approaching pedestrians and other road users

Breakdown of Number of Fatalities in Vancouver

Vancouver Collision Fatalities by Road Users Groups

Year Pedestrians Drivers Passengers Motorcyclists Cyclists Year Total
2018 8 4 0 1 0 13
2019 6 4 1 3 0 14
2020 5 1 0 2 0 8
2021 13 5 0 4 0 22
2022 11 7 0 0 1 19
2023 11 3 2 0 0 16

source: Vancouver Police Traffic Section

Community Road and Education Safety team

The Community Road & Education Safety Team works with Vancouver elementary schools, and community organizations and groups, to promote traffic safety for students and Vancouver citizens.

Officers provide educational presentations on pedestrian and bicycle safety, respond to driving complaints in the vicinity of elementary schools, support the school safety patrol program, and work cooperatively with ICBC, the Vancouver School Board, and the City of Vancouver, to maintain and improve traffic safety.

Areas of focus

School Safety Patrol Program – In partnership with the Vancouver School Board, CREST members help train, monitor, and support this student-based program that assists thousands of students and adults to safely cross intersections on their way to and from school every day

Pedestrian Safety Talks – Presentations to elementary school students, seniors, and community groups on how to safely cross our busy streets

Bicycle Safety Talks – The basics of bicycle safety and how to enjoy cycling in a safe and fun way

Back to School Campaign – As Vancouver students return to school each year in September, the team assists in organizing a media event and educational campaign to remind the public of the increase of pedestrians around schools and crossing streets

Graduated Licensing Program – Members speak with Grade 10 students in Vancouver Secondary schools about the responsibilities of having a driver’s license

Enforcement and Safety Upgrades – The team responds to driving complaints around schools with targeted enforcement strategies; they also work with the City of Vancouver to identify safety issues with infrastructure and suggest changes and improvements

Two Strikes You’re Out Campaign – Throughout the year, members organize an education and enforcement campaign with community policing centres and schools to promote safety in and around parks, playgrounds, and other high pedestrian areas