Employers and volunteer organizations may ask you to get a police information check, also known as a background check, to see if you are suitable for a job or volunteer position, and also because you may be working with children or other vulnerable people.

Vancouver residents can make an appointment at our 2120 Cambie Street location. We are open seven days a week, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but by appointment only. Non-residents should contact their local police.

You must contact us to make the request and give your permission for the search. The results are released directly to you and you can decide whether or not you want to share the results with the hiring organization.

The Vancouver Police Department has a neutral role when we provide a police information check. We do not make recommendations about whether you are suitable for the position, and police information should not automatically disqualify you. We rely in part upon information given by you, so we cannot guarantee it will identify all relative information.

The organization requesting the police information check must complete an initial review of your suitability for the position, and understand their obligations under the Human Rights Code regarding evaluation, hiring and training volunteers or employees, and bona fide reasons there are not to hire someone.

Police agencies across B.C., including both municipal and federal RCMP, have adopted consistent guidelines for police information checks.

Please note, cases where non-disclosable information indicates a significant threat to public safety, police agencies may either refuse to complete the check or take action under their duty-to-warn responsibilities.

Do you live outside of Canada?

Do you need a record suspension?

Two Types of Police Information Checks

How to Apply

To protect our employees’ and customers’ health and safety, police information checks are only being completed by appointment at our 2120 Cambie Street location.

  1. If you need a police information check, please click the below button to be directed to our online appointment booking platform.
  1. Fully complete the VPD police information check form. You can download the form or pick one up in person at our location.
  1. Bring your completed form, two acceptable, valid pieces of government-issued identification in the original form (one of which must have a current photo), and fees to your appointment.

Acceptable Original Forms of Identification

What are “acceptable” forms of identification for Fingerprinting / Police Information Checks?

Driver’s licence (with photo, not expired) YES
BC Services ID Card (with photo, not expired) YES
Combined DL & BC Services**
** counts as one form of ID
Passport (not expired) YES
Permanent Resident Card (not expired) YES
Birth Certificate YES
Valid citizenship card YES
Indian Status card YES
Nexus Card YES
PAL (Firearms possession and acquisition licence) YES
Current student ID (youth applicants only) YES
Social Insurance Card NO
Credit Card NO
Debit / Bank Card NO
Gym / Costco / Other club membership cards NO
  1. If you are volunteering a service, we require a document on agency letterhead from the organization requesting the police information check to be eligible for the waived fee. The letter must include:
    • your name
    • whether you will be involved with or responsible for children or the vulnerable sector
    • verification that you are volunteering a service
    • the name and title of the person requiring the police information check, as well as the full agency name, address, and phone number
  1. FEES  – The Vancouver Police Department accepts debit, VISA, and MasterCard for payment of fees.
January 1, 2025
Police information checks * $86.00
Adoption applicants (plus RCMP fingerprint submission fee) $86.00
Record suspension $86.00
RCMP fingerprint submission fee $25.00
Volunteers (letter of proof required) ** Free

* Do you require more than one police information check? It will cost $10 for each additional embossed original. In order to offer this reduced fee, you will need to make the request on the same date that you apply – this cannot be backdated or offered on a future date.

** There is no additional charge for volunteers who have to submit fingerprints. If your screening is for employment purposes, the RCMP charges a $25 fee, which we collect on their behalf.

Reconsideration Request Process

If you believe an error has been made in your police information check, or if you have any questions, please email psusupervisor@vpd.ca.

If you have had a police information check with vulnerable sector screening and you want to have the information excluded from the results, mail your written request within 30 days after your background check was completed to:

Information Management Section
Vancouver Police Department
3585 Graveley Street
Vancouver, BC   V5K 5J5

Your reconsideration request will be considered by someone not involved in your original application for a background check, and someone senior to the original processor.

Requests are processed as quickly as possible, in the following stages:

  1. We confirm that all procedures and guidelines have been followed
  2. We check that all disclosed offences or contacts are confirmed and releasable
  3. Your request for information to be excluded is considered
  4. We provide you with a written explanation of our final decision

If you would like information removed from a regular police information check without vulnerable sector screening, you can use the Record Suspension process through the Parole Board of Canada.