Constable Nicole Chan chose a noble profession, and devoted her career to helping people in their time of need. That she died alone, of suicide, and when she herself was in need, is something that will stay with us always.

My continued heartfelt condolences to Nicole’s family, her friends, and others touched by her death.

Her life and career were tragically cut short, however, Nicole’s death has highlighted the importance of our conversations about mental health and accountability in policing. These conversations are never over.

The Coroner’s inquest into Nicole’s death has been powerful, emotional, and thought-provoking. It has deeply impacted us all.

We are grateful to everyone who participated in the inquest, including Nicole’s family, her friends, her co-workers, and the members of the Coroner’s jury.

Though we will take time to review the jury’s recommendations, we remain committed to ensuring Nicole’s death continues to lead to positive change within policing and for anyone struggling with their mental health.